2 responses to “

  1. Found your blog through Ender’s Girl’s. I was surprised after scrolling through posts dedicated to Arashi to come across a Kame post. YAYYYYY! Kinda got excited (so lame!!) since I ADORE Kame ‘the actor’. What’re your thoughts on Kame since he elicits mixed responses from those who know him e/ as an actor o/ an idol?

    • Hello!

      First of all, thank you for dropping by and leaving a comment! 🙂
      Sorry for replying quite late.

      I actually like Kame very much. Though I’d say more as an actor and individual rather than as an idol. Almost always, I’d start to like an ‘idol’ when I’d see him acting in a drama and it ‘d turn out he could deliver. In Kame’s case though, I first got drawn to his on-screen personality, my own perception of his ‘real-life’ self, as I saw it in Kat-tun’s defunct variety show before I discovered that HE COULD ACT.

      The very first thing actually was Gokusen. I watched him in Gokusen and natural curiosity led me to wiki, blogs, and a few Kat-tun videos. I got so curious about what was so “kakkoii’ about him and why fangirls were drooling over him, (stick-thin and all) that I started reading up more about him, his band, his work and the CTKT variety show. Several Kat-tun PVS and clips, CTKT episodes and Kame doramas later (or at some point through all of it), I was in love with the man.

      I think highly of him as an actor ( I especially love him in Nobuta, Tatta Hitotsu no Koi) and I quite adore him as a regular guy. I also appreciate the effort and seriousness he pours into his work. And .. and of course he is one hot (guitar-playing, song-writing, dancing) idol. 🙂

      *Sorry, I realized you didn’t ask for my Kame fangirl history haha, but I just rambled on…

      I’d like to hear your thoughts on Kame, too.^^

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